Mastering CSS 3.0: Advanced Techniques for Modern Web Design

Animations, transitions, flexbox, grid layouts, and more. Enhance your skills and stay ahead in the ever-evolving landscape of web development.
Duration 1 Month
Chapters 79
Certificate Included
Enrolled 963 learners

Course Content

3 Modules |79 Lecture | October 2024 - October 2024


What is CSS?

Learn what CSS is and how it is used to style and layout web pages. Discover the basics, benefits, and examples of CSS in web development.
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History of CSS

Explore the history of CSS , from its inception to its evolution. Learn about key milestones, versions, and the impact of CSS on web design.
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Why learn CSS

Explore how CSS enhances website design, improves user experience, and enables efficient styling and layout customization.
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Advantage and Disadvantage of CSS

Explore the benefits and drawbacks of using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) in web development.
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Major Differences Between CSS1, CSS2 and CSS3

Discover the major differences between CSS1, CSS2, and CSS3 in web development. Explore the evolution of CSS specifications.
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Types of CSS

Learn about the various types of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) used in web development.
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CSS Selector

Explore CSS selectors and their significance in web development.
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CSS Units

Learn about CSS units and their usage in web development.
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CSS Functions

Explore CSS functions and their applications in web development.
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CSS Comments

Learn about CSS comments and their importance in web development.
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CSS Properties

Explore CSS properties and their role in web development.
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CSS Colors

Learn about various color formats supported in CSS, including named colors, hexadecimal notation, RGB, HSL, and RGBA.
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CSS Properties

Learn about properties for styling text, backgrounds, borders, layout, and more, and understand how to leverage them.
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CSS Border

Learn how to style borders with properties like color, width, style, and radius, and explore creative techniques to enhance the appearance and layout.
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CSS border-radius property

Explore the CSS border-radius property and its usage in web development.
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CSS Margin

Explore the CSS margin property and its role in web development.
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CSS Padding

Learn how padding adds space inside elements, controls spacing between content and borders, and enhances the overall layout and readability of web pages.
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CSS Height and Width

Discover the CSS height and width properties and their role in web development.
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CSS Fonts

Explore CSS font properties and their usage in web development.
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CSS Font Family

Learn how to specify font families to style text, ensure cross-platform consistency, and enhance the visual appeal of web pages, allowing designers.
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CSS Font Size

Learn how to set font sizes to improve readability, establish hierarchy, and create visually appealing typography on web pages content.
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CSS Font Stretch

Explore CSS font stretch property and its usage in web development.
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CSS Font Style

Explore CSS font style properties and their impact on web development.
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CSS Font Weight

Discover font weights can impact text prominence, hierarchy, and readability on web pages.
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CSS Line Height

Learn how to adjust line height to control the spacing between lines of text, improve readability, and enhance the overall layout of web pages.
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CSS Buttons

Learn how to design and style buttons using CSS properties such as background, border, padding, and hover effects.
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CSS Display

Learn how to manipulate display values to control the behavior and positioning of elements on web pages, including block, inline, and flex display.
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CSS Backdrop-filter

Learn how to apply blur, color adjustments, and other visual filters to elements, creating stunning background effects and enhancing web pages.
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CSS Box-reflect

Learn how to create reflective effects on elements, such as images and text, adding depth and visual interest to your website.
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CSS Box Shadow

Learn how to add depth and dimension to elements with realistic shadow effects, enhancing the visual hierarchy and aesthetics of your website.
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CSS Box sizing

Learn how to control the sizing behavior of elements, including the content box and padding, with options like content-box and border-box.
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CSS Caption side

Explore practical examples and best practices for utilizing caption-side to optimize table presentation and improve user experience in web development.
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CSS Clear

Explore practical applications and best practices for using clear to manage layout complexities and create visually cohesive web designs.
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CSS Clip path

Discover practical examples and advanced techniques for leveraging clip-path to push the boundaries of design and enhance user experience on the web.
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CSS Column

Explore practical examples and best practices for leveraging the column property to enhance the presentation of content and improve user experience in web design.
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CSS Content

Discover creative uses and best practices for leveraging the content property to enhance design, accessibility, and user experience on websites.
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CSS Counter

Explore practical examples and advanced techniques for leveraging the counter property to enhance readability, organization, and user experience on web pages.
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CSS Cursor

Explore practical examples and best practices for utilizing the cursor property to improve usability and navigation in web design.
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CSS Filter

Discover practical examples and advanced techniques for leveraging the filter property to elevate the aesthetics and engagement of web content.
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CSS Flex Group

Explore practical examples and best practices for leveraging Flex Group to achieve versatile and adaptive designs in web development.
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Learn how to use the gap to control the spacing between items in grid and flexbox layouts, enhancing the visual structure and readability of web pages.
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Let's discuss the differences between CSS Grid Layout and Flexbox containers

Let's discuss the differences between CSS Grid Layout and Flexbox containers
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CSS Grid

Discover practical examples and best practices for leveraging CSS Grid to build responsive and visually appealing web pages.
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CSS Image rendering

Explore practical examples and best practices for leveraging the image-rendering property to enhance the visual clarity and performance of images on web pages.
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CSS @important Rule

Discover best practices and considerations for using !important effectively to manage styling conflicts and ensure consistency in your CSS codebase.
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CSS Justify Content

Explore practical examples and use cases for leveraging justify-content to create visually appealing and responsive designs in web development.
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CSS Justify items

Discover the CSS justify-items property and its impact on grid layout alignment. Learn how to align grid items along the inline axis within their grid cells.
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CSS Animation

Dive into the world of CSS animation and its creative potential in web design. Learn how to bring elements to life with smooth transitions and dynamic effects using CSS keyframes and animation properties.
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CSS @keyframes rule

Explore the CSS @keyframes rule and its role in creating dynamic animations in web design. Learn how to define keyframes to specify the intermediate steps of an animation sequence.
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CSS letter spacing

Dive into CSS letter-spacing property and its impact on typography in web design. Learn how to adjust the spacing between characters to improve readability and aesthetics.
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CSS List style

Explore the CSS list-style property and its role in customizing list appearance in web design. Learn how to style list items with custom markers, adjust marker position, and control list presentation.
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CSS Mask image

Explore practical examples and advanced techniques for leveraging mask-image to create stunning visual effects and innovative design solutions on web pages.
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CSS @Media Rule

Discover practical examples and best practices for leveraging @media queries to optimize layout and enhance user experience across various devices and screen sizes.
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CSS min-height/min-width

Explore practical examples and best practices for leveraging min-height and min-width to create responsive and user-friendly web layouts.
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CSS Object Fit

Learn how to preserve aspect ratios, crop content, and handle overflow. Discover practical examples and best practices for leveraging object-fit to achieve consistent and visually appealing media presentations on web pages.
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CSS Object Position

Delve into the CSS object-position property and its role in fine-tuning the positioning of replaced elements like images or videos within their containers. Learn how to precisely control the placement of content, adjust alignment, and achieve desired
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CSS Offset

Discover CSS Offset properties and their impact on web layout design. Learn how to utilize offset properties such as offset-top, offset-right, offset-bottom, and offset-left to position elements relative to their containing blocks.
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CSS Opacity

Explore the CSS opacity property and its role in controlling the transparency of elements in web design. Learn how to adjust element opacity to create subtle visual effects or overlay content.
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CSS Order

Delve into the CSS order property and its significance in flexbox layouts. Learn how to rearrange flex items within their container, altering their display order without modifying the HTML structure.
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CSS outline

Discover the CSS outline property and its role in styling the outline of elements in web design. Learn how to customize the appearance of outlines for enhanced visual clarity and accessibility.
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CSS Overflow

Learn how to control the behavior of overflowing content within elements, including options such as visible, hidden, scroll, and auto.
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CSS Place Content

Dive into the CSS place-content property and its role in aligning content within grid containers. Learn how to combine align-content and justify-content properties to control both vertical and horizontal alignment.
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CSS Place Items

Learn how to set align and justify properties in a single declaration conveniently. Discover practical examples and best practices for leveraging place items to control item alignment in grid layouts efficiently.
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CSS Position

Explore practical examples and best practices for leveraging different position values such as static, relative, absolute, fixed, and sticky to create dynamic and visually engaging layouts in web development.
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CSS Rotate

Learn how to apply rotation transformations to elements, such as images or text, to create dynamic visual effects.
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CSS Scroll

Discover practical examples and best practices for leveraging CSS scrolling properties to optimize navigation, enhance readability, and improve the overall usability of web pages.
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CSS Text Align

Discover the CSS text-align property and its role in controlling the alignment of text within elements.
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CSS Text Decoration

Delve into the CSS text-decoration property and its versatility in web design. Learn how to enhance text elements with decorations such as underline, overline, line-through, and more.
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CSS Text emphasis

Discover practical examples and best practices for leveraging CSS text emphasis to improve readability, highlight key information, and enhance the overall aesthetics of web pages.
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CSS Text overflow

Learn how to handle situations where text exceeds the available space within an element, including options like ellipsis and clip.
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CSS Transform

Learn how to manipulate elements in 2D and 3D space, including options like translation, rotation, scaling, and skewing.
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CSS Vertical align

Learn how to control vertical alignment options such as baseline, top, middle, bottom, and text-bottom. Discover practical examples and best practices for leveraging vertical-align to achieve precise vertical alignment.
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Pseudo-classes vs Pseudo-elements

Learn how pseudo-classes target specific states or conditions of elements, such as :hover or :focus, while pseudo-elements style specific parts of elements, like ::before or ::after.
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CSS Variable

Learn how to declare and use custom variables to store and reuse values across your stylesheets, facilitating easier maintenance and consistency
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How to Debugging CSS

Learn how to identify common CSS problems, such as layout inconsistencies, styling conflicts, and browser compatibility issues. Explore practical debugging strategies, including browser developer tools, CSS validation tools, and troubleshooting metho
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Organizing your CSS

Learn how to structure and manage your CSS files to enhance readability, maintainability, and scalability.
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How to improve the Performance of CSS file

Learn about the how to improve the Performance of CSS file.
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CSS Frameworks

Learn how CSS frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation, and Tailwind CSS provide pre-designed components, grids, and styles to streamline the development process.
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Practices Questions

We have solved Practice Questions in CSS for better design
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Course Amount
₹ 8,000.00
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₹ 0.00
GST Amount ( 18% )
₹ 1,440.00
Payable Amount
₹ 9,440.00

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