Master HTML: Comprehensive Course for Web Development

Unlock the power of web development with our comprehensive HTML course. Create stunning web pages, and kickstart your journey in building dynamic websites.
Duration 1 Month
Chapters 47
Certificate Included
Enrolled 963 learners

Course Content

3 Modules |47 Lecture | November 2024 - November 2024


HTML Introduction

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications.
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Elements and Tags

Elements and tags are fundamental building blocks used to structure web pages and define their content.
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HTML Page Structure

The structure of an HTML page typically consists of several essential elements that organize and define the content of the webpage.
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Features of HTML

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the standard language for creating and structuring web pages.
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Why learn HTML

Learn HTML: the cornerstone of web development. Mastering HTML allows you to create structured, accessible web pages and understand internet fundamentals.
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Advantages/Disadvantages of Html

Explore the advantages and disadvantages of HTML. Discover how HTML's universal compatibility, ease of learning, and rich media integration benefit web development while considering its limitations.
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Difference between HTML and HTML5

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and HTML5 are both versions of the markup language used to create web pages, but they have some key differences in Features and Semantic Elements.
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HTML editors

Discover the best HTML editors for web development. Explore features, ease of use, and compatibility of popular HTML editors to streamline coding and enhance productivity.
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HTML Comments

Uncover the importance of HTML comments in web development. Learn how HTML comments aid in code readability, organization, and collaboration, improving the efficiency of website maintenance and development.
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HTML Elements

Discover HTML elements: from basic *div* to semantic *header*, *footer*. Learn how they structure and enhance web pages for better usability.
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HTML Attributes

Learn about HTML attributes: from essential ones like 'src' and 'href' to custom data attributes. Explore how they enrich elements, aiding in functionality and styling.
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HTML Events

Explore HTML events: from basic 'onclick' to advanced 'onmouseover'. Understand how they trigger JavaScript functions, enabling dynamic and interactive web experiences.
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HTML Language code

Learn about HTML language codes like 'lang' attribute. Explore how they specify the language of web content, enhancing accessibility and SEO.
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HTML Status Message

Discover HTML status messages for effective user communication. Explore how status messages enhance user experience, providing feedback and guidance during interactions on web pages.
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HTTP request methods

Understand HTTP request methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE. Explore how they facilitate communication between clients and servers, enabling data retrieval, submission, and manipulation in web applications.
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HTML Basic tags

Explore essential HTML tags like *html*, *head*, *title*, *body*. Learn how these tags structure web documents, laying the foundation for creating accessible and well-formatted web pages.
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HTML Formatting tags

Discover HTML formatting tags for text styling: *strong*, *em*, *h1* - *h6*, *p*. Learn how these tags enhance readability and emphasize content in web pages.
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HTML Paragraph

Learn about the HTML *p* (paragraph) tag. Explore how it structures text content, facilitating readability and organization on web pages.
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HTML Headings

Explore HTML heading tags: *h1* to *h6*. Learn how they provide hierarchical structure and emphasize content on web pages for better readability and SEO.
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HTML Links tags

Discover HTML link tags: *a*. Learn how they create hyperlinks, connect web pages, and enhance navigation and accessibility for users.
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HTML Graphics using HTML

Learn how to create graphics using HTML. Explore HTML elements like *canvas* and *svg* to draw shapes, images, and animations directly on web pages.
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HTML Image Tag

Explore the HTML *img* tag. Learn how to insert images into web pages, enhancing visual content and engaging users effectively.
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HTML Map Tag

Discover the HTML *map* tag for creating clickable image maps. Learn how to define regions and associate links, enhancing interactivity and navigation on web pages.
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HTML Picture tag

Explore the HTML *picture* tag for responsive images. Learn how to provide multiple sources and sizes, ensuring optimal display across devices and screen resolutions.
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HTML Figure tag

Learn about the HTML *figure* tag. Explore how it provides semantic markup for representing self-contained content, such as images, diagrams, or code snippets, on web pages.
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Discover the HTML *svg* tag for scalable vector graphics. Learn how to create interactive and resolution-independent graphics directly in HTML for enhanced visual content on web pages.
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Comparison of Canvas and SVG

Understand the differences between Canvas and SVG for web graphics. Explore how Canvas provides pixel-based rendering for dynamic content, while SVG offers resolution-independent vector graphics suitable for scalable and interactive visuals.
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Forms and Input Tags

Explore HTML forms and input tags. Learn how to create interactive forms using elements like *form*, *input*, *textarea*, *select*, and more, empowering user input and data submission on web pages
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HTML Select tag

Explore the HTML *Select* tag for creating dropdown menus. Learn how to build interactive selection lists to streamline user choices and input on web forms.
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HTML List tags

Learn about HTML list tags: *ul*, *ol*, *li*. Explore how they structure and organize content, facilitating readability and navigation on web pages.
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HTML Table tag

Discover the HTML *table* tag for creating structured data tables. Learn how to organize and present tabular data effectively on web pages using rows, columns, headers, and more.
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Table Calspan and Rowspan

Learn about the HTML colspan and rowspan attributes for spanning table cells. Explore how they enable the merging of multiple rows or columns, facilitating complex table layouts and data presentation on web pages.
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HTML Frames tags

Explore HTML frames tags: *frameset*, *frame*, *iframe*. Learn how they create multi-sectioned web layouts, embedding content from different sources for enhanced website structure and functionality.
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HTML Iframe

Discover the HTML *iframe* tag for embedding external content. Learn how to include external web pages, videos, maps, and more within an HTML document, enhancing interactivity and functionality.
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HTML Media Tags

Explore HTML media tags: *audio*, *video*, *source*. Learn how to embed audio and video content into web pages, enhancing user engagement and interactivity.
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HTML Audio Tag

Learn about the HTML *audio* tag for embedding audio content in web pages. Explore how to add sound files, controls, and playback options, enhancing user experience and interactivity.
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HTML Video tag

Discover the HTML *video* tag for embedding video content in web pages. Learn how to add video files, controls, and playback options, enhancing user experience and interactivity.
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HTML5 Semantics

Explore HTML5 semantics: *header*, *footer*, *nav*, *article*, *section*. Learn how these elements enhance website structure, accessibility, and SEO, promoting better organization and readability of web content.
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HTML Article Tag

Discover the HTML *article* tag for defining independent, self-contained content. Learn how to use it to mark up articles, blog posts, forum posts, and other standalone content on web pages.
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HTML Header tag

Learn about the HTML *header* tag for defining introductory content. Explore how to use it to mark up headers, banners, logos, and navigation sections on web pages.
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HTML meta tags

Explore HTML meta tags for providing metadata about web pages. Learn how to use meta tags to define page titles, descriptions, keywords, and more, improving search engine visibility and accessibility.
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HTML Programing tags

Discover essential HTML programming tags for web development. Learn about elements like *script*, *style*, and *meta*, used to add interactivity, styling, and metadata to web pages.
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Learn about HTML APIs for web development. Explore APIs like Geolocation, Web Storage, Canvas, and more, empowering developers to create interactive and dynamic web applications.
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Explore the HTML DOM API for web development. Learn how the Document Object Model (DOM) API enables dynamic manipulation of web pages, facilitating interactive and responsive user experiences.
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Discover the HTML Fetch API for making HTTP requests in web development. Learn how to use Fetch for efficient data retrieval and manipulation, enabling dynamic content updates and seamless user experiences.
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Geolocation API

Learn about the Geolocation API for web development. Explore how to leverage the Geolocation API to obtain a user's location, enabling location-based services and personalized experiences in web applications.
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Explore HTML5 MathML for mathematical markup. Learn how to use MathML elements to display mathematical expressions and equations on web pages, enhancing accessibility and readability for mathematical content.
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Course Amount
₹ 10,000.00
Selected Chapters Amount
₹ 10,000.00
Discount Amount ( 50% )

The Discount can only be availed after selecting all the chapters.

₹ 0.00
GST Amount ( 18% )
₹ 1,800.00
Payable Amount
₹ 11,800.00

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