Best LINQ Course for Beginners to Professionals

Our LINQ Course will give you an important teaching of programming world using which you can enhance your skills and secure a good career in Software Space.
Duration 1 Month
Chapters 18
Certificate Included
Enrolled 969 learners

Course Content

3 Modules |18 Lecture | April 2025 - April 2025


Basics of LINQ

Intro to LINQ, Understanding the LINQ architecture and components, LINQ Query Expressions vs. Method Syntax, Working with LINQ to Objects in-memory collections
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LINQ Aggregate Functions

Overview of the Aggregate function in LINQ, signature, and usage of the Aggregate method (e.g., Sum, Average, Count), LINQ operators for complex queries
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LINQ Where Clause Filtering Operator

Intro to Where Clause and OfType, logical operators (AND, OR) in Where clauses, Utilizing lambda expressions, complex filtering operations with nested Where
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LINQ Projection Operator

Intro to LINQ projection operator, syntax, and uses of ( Select, SelectMany, Zip, ..), transformations with Select, restructuring nested collections
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LINQ Sorting Operators

Intro to LINQ sorting operators like (OrderBy, OrderByDescending, ThenBy, ThenByDescending, Reverse ), Combining sorting operators with other LINQ
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LINQ Partition Operators

Intro to LINQ partition operators like (TAKE, TAKEWHILE, SKIP, and SKIPWHILE), Applying partitioning operators to primitive data types and collections
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LINQ Conversion Operators

Intro to conversion operators like (ToList, ToArray, ToLookUp, ToDictionary, Cast, AsEnumerable, AsQueryable, ToDictionary), how do they differ from each other
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LINQ Element Operators

Intro to element operators like (First, FirstOrDefault, Last, LastOrDefault, ElementAt, ElementAtOrDefault, Single, SingleOrDefault, DefaultIfEmpty)
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LINQ GroupBy Method

Intro to the GroupBy(), Handling scenarios with multiple key selectors in GroupBy, GroupBy with element selector functions for custom grouping
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LINQ Join Operators

Intro to LINQ join operators like (Inner Join, Left Outer Join, Cross Join, Group Join), working with Combining join operations
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LINQ Set Operations

Intro to LINQ set operations like (Inner Join, Left Outer Join, Cross Join, Group Join), Using set operations for data cleansing and deduplication
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LINQ SequenceEqual

Intro to the SequenceEqual method in LINQ, Working with LINQ SequenceEqual in parallel queries using PLINQ
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LINQ Concat Method

Intro to the Concat method in LINQ, Combining two sequences into a single sequence using Concat, Optimizing LINQ queries involving Concat for efficiency
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LINQ Generation Operations

Intro to LINQ generation operators (Range, Repeat, Generate, Empty ), working with LINQ (e.g., Range vs. Enumerable.Range)
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Intro to LINQ with SQL databases, Overview of LINQ to SQL and Entity Framework, Basic CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) using LINQ with SQL
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LINQ to SQL Select Query

Intro to LINQ to SQL Select query, Projecting query results into anonymous types with Select
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LINQ to SQL Like

Intro to pattern matching in LINQ to SQL like Contains(), StartsWith(), EndsWith(), Real-world examples and scenarios demonstrating
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LINQ to SQL Stored Procedure

Introduction to Stored Procedure and LINQ To SQL. Simply uses of Stored Procedure with LINQ. CRUD operations with uses of Stored Procedure with LINQ To SQL
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Key Highlights

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80% Practical Training
Personalized Career Coach
Instant Doubt Solving
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